Is there such a thing as Canadian English? Most in United States would say that Canadian English is very much like the American one, with a few subtleties and variation in pronunciation and writing. Canadians, on the contrary, will tell you that Canadian English…
Tag: english
Aprenda a usar advérbios de frequência!
São aqueles que nos indicam com que frequência algo aconteceu, acontece, acontecerá etc. Observe o quadro ao lado, que mostra, em uma escala do mais frequente para o menos frequente, o grau de frequência dos principais advérbios. Mais exemplos: daily (diariamente) , weekly (semanalmente) , monthly…
A brief history of the Glasgow Necropolis
Featuring striking architectural and sculptural masterpieces by all the prominent architects of the day, the Glasgow Necropolis is a sight to behold. Basking by Glasgow Cathedral, this Victorian cemetery is the resting place of around 50,000 souls. Perfectly described by architectural historian and architect James…
12 Different types of coffee explained
Latte, espresso, cappuccino – there are so many different types of coffee it becomes a language itself! That’s why this guide will explain the differences between 12 espresso based drinks and how they’re made. So no more getting confused at your local café. What Are Espresso Based Drinks? Espresso based…
Os 5 melhores revisores de textos em inglês
Escrever é uma das melhores formas de praticar a gramática em inglês. Quer saber como estão suas habilidades? Eu listei os 5 melhores revisores de textos em inglês (online) para que vocês conheçam a peculiariadade de cada um e possam utilizá-los na correção dos seus…
What's Japan like?
Shibuya, Tokyo Shibuya represented the Japan I had anticipated — bright lights, vibrant colors, pulsing energy, and so. many. people. My friend who is living in Japan met me in Tokyo and showed me around our first day, navigating me through the metro’s maze and…
How to create your own luck?
My mother has always said to me, “You are so lucky. Everything you do always works out perfectly.” I started wondering, “Am I really that lucky?” The answer of course is no. I do think; however, that it is possible to create your own luck.…
Why learning a second language is good for your career?
We already know that learning a second language is great for social and cognitive skills, but what about in the workplace? Transferable skills picked up from learning a language can really enhance your work prospects: here are our top nine reasons why: 1. Language…
What is a Podcast and where can I find the best ones to listen to?
A podcast is an audio show, usually spread across a series of episodes, which can be downloaded from the Internet and listened to either on a computer or an Mp3 player. The term, which was coined in 2004, is portmanteau of ‘iPod’ and ‘broadcast’ Who makes them?…